Dumpster Rental Tips

“What Dumpster Size Do I Need?”

Dependable dumpster rental in the Dallas – Fort Worth area. Boyer Recycling and Disposal has been servicing the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex since 2007, offering excellent service along with competitive pricing.

We offer 20, 30 and 40 yard roll-off dumpsters that can handle any project you need. Whether it is a household cleanout, kitchen and bathroom rehab, full gut rehab, roofing, additions, or landscaping, we can provide you the right roll off dumpster for your job.

Not sure what dumpster size you need?

The first thing you should consider renting a dumpster is to figure our what dumpster size would be best for your project. One of the most common mistakes people make is ordering the wrong dumpster size.

What Dumpster Size Do I Need?

  • 20 yard dumpsters are for those medium sized remodeling projects or for major cleanouts such as carpet removal for a large home, shingle roof removal over 1,500 square feet or deck removal over 300 square feet. They hold 20 cubic yards of material which translates into around 6 pickup trucks full of debris.
  •  30 yard dumpsters are generally used more for commercial purposes or for a major home addition or new construction. They hold 30 cubic yards of material which translates into around 9 pickup trucks full of debris. 
  • 40 yard dumpsters are also usually more for commercial or industrial purposes, however if you are doing a complete window or siding replacement, this might just be the size for you. They hold 40 cubic yards of material which translates into around 12 pickup trucks full of debris.

Whatever the project is, if you are looking for Dumpster Rental in the Dallas – Fort Worth Area, Boyer Recycling and Disposal, will gladly get you the right dumpster. We are a locally owned company that serves Dallas Fort & Worth locations.

Contact us today or call us at 682-564-2095!